Dietary, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle, Wellness

My Story

Growing up, my mother ran an holistic health practice (she still does, for 33 years now). From the time I was seven years old, Mom incorporated healthy foods and natural remedies into our family’s everyday life. She studied natural foods, Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Chinese herbs, yoga, meditation, and more.

As a teenager, I didn’t have any major health issues, but I enjoyed taking herbal remedies when I caught a cold, or when my muscles ached after soccer practice. I also tried herbs for occasional menstrual cramps and headaches, digestive upset and dental pain.

In my family, we took pharmaceuticals when needed. I appreciate the benefits of modern medicine, and do not oppose it. I grew up using herbs as complementary medicine, and for preventative health.

When I started college, I did my best to eat healthy. By year three, at Ohio University, I’d nixed the cafeteria food. I began frequenting local farmers’ markets, and became a regular at the tiny health food store in Athens, Ohio. I cooked as much as I could.

It was also during college that I took a summer to become certified in yoga. At the Sivananda Vedanta Centre, I studied yoga postures (asanas), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation. I moved through my twenties in relatively good health. Mom’s influence was notable.

In my thirties, I had a bout of urinary tract infections. I took antibiotics as directed. I felt lucky that Mom could guide me as to what natural remedies would prevent the dreaded gastric distress and yeast infection that antibiotics can cause. This was before probiotics lined the shelves of every drug store and supermarket. I healed well each time, without problems.

With my last UTI, though, antibiotics were not as effective. I had symptoms come and go and come again, lingering. I turned to herbs. The remedy I used successfully took away the remaining pain and frequent urination. I then decided to focus on prevention. The usual medical advice hadn’t deterred infection. But with the use of herbal medicine, I have not had a UTI in years.

This sparked an interest in me that had not been there before. I wanted to learn more about herbs, if only to help myself and my family. I wanted to know why peppermint helped sinus congestion, and which herbs were anti-inflammatory. I wanted to know what combination of herbs prevented menstrual cramps, and which eliminated a headache. I wanted to know why ginger settled the stomach, and how herbs alleviated pain.

When I began the professional course at East West School of Planetary Herbology, I quickly realized that I wanted to share this knowledge. I wanted to help others with their health concerns.

In the two and a half years it took me to work through the program, I treated myself for whatever mild health issue arose. What I came to love about herbs is their gentle effect. For example, I tried herbs for allergy symptoms. I noticed less nasal congestion, but without the drowsiness of an OCT. I experimented with herbs for back pain, which worked well without the stomach pain of an NSAID. And I tried herbs for occasional insomnia. I could sleep, without grogginess the next day.

That gentle power continues to intrigue me as I work with clients and witness their improvements. Sometimes, they are surprised by their quick and obvious progress, just as I was several years ago.

I look forward to passing along what I’ve learned from Mom, from school, and what I will continue to learn as I keep up my study of all things holistic.