Last year, around Valentine’s Day, I tuned in to a webinar about herbal aphrodisiacs. It was the most well attended webinar I’d ever taken! Thousands of people from across the globe were watching.
I can’t say I was surprised. Sex is a fascinating and exciting subject! Since then I’ve opened my eyes and ears to various friends, students, clients, and people online who are interested in help with libido. I decided to compile my own list of herbal aphrodisiacs.
Before I chose my list, I wanted to understand the why. Why do so many suffer low libido? From the folks I spoke with, there seemed to be three main reasons.
The first is an overall lack of energy. In our on-the-go society, so many of us are just plain tired. Exhausted, even. Becoming aroused while exhausted can feel impossible.
Second, some people in peri-menopause and menopause struggle to maintain a healthy libido. And for many, fluids become dry. Vaginal dryness can make it a challenge to get in the mood.
Third, some folks struggle with pain and tension, or simply feel too uptight to spark that sensual fire.
There are other reasons, I’m sure. If you suspect a more complex issue with your sexual health, check with your doctor and mental health provider.
If you saw yourself in any of those three examples, here are five herbs that may improve your libido and sexual health.
1. Epimedium: This herb’s nickname is horny goat weed. Yes, you read that correctly! As the story goes, when goats munch on epimedium in the wild, their sexual activity increases. This herb is classified as a tonic. Tonics energize the body, great when we feel depleted. This herb helps with tiredness and lack of motivation. In addition to increasing libido, epimedium is also used for erectile functioning.
2. Damiana: This is another tonic herb that can be used as an aphrodisiac. It is used similarly to epimedium. Damiana increases blood flow in the body. It is also used for erectile functioning and fertility issues.
3. Ashwagandha: This herb has the unique ability to both stimulate and relax the nervous system. People use ashwagandha to improve their sleep, but also to ignite energy. It is indicated for burn-out and exhaustion. And it is often used for increasing libido. Some say it gives “the strength of a horse.”
4. Asparagus Root: This is a great herb for those who experience low libido due to vaginal dryness. Asparagus root is known to promote body fluids and moisten dry tissues. It is commonly combined with ashwagandha, and often prescribed in peri-menopause and menopause.
5. Kava: As opposed to the previous herbs, kava is purely relaxing. In larger doses it can be used for insomnia. Lower doses ease pain and tension, and help those who have difficulty unwinding and letting go. Kava’s antispasmodic properties relax muscle tension in the body. And its analgesic properties make it pain relieving. Overall, it is calming to the nervous system.
Keep in mind that herbs have contraindications and may or may not be right for you. Let me know if you need help determining which herb might be best for you!